Título: Young adult mobility options and alternatives in times of economic crisis.
Investigadores: João Sardinha (investigador responsável) e Sandra Silva (investigadora responsável).
Áreas científicas: geografia, sociologia.
Palavras-chave: mobility, young adults, economic crisis, migration policies.
Centro/Rede de investigação: CEMRI - Universidade Aberta e IGOT-CEG-UL.
Duração: 2012-2013.
Entidade/instrumento de financiamento: IMISCOE Network
Resumo: The project seeks to analyse new emergent mobility flows, options and survival strategies influenced by the current economic hardships the European continent finds itself struggling with. The current state of recession has lead many young Europeans to take up a variety mobility strategies, in some cases, determined by the search for gainful employment in the profession they were trained in.
With this research we thus ask:
- What are the compositions and profiles of migration stocks and crisis-influenced flows taking into consideration such variables as: labour market sectors and qualifications, legal status and visa categories, length of stay, age, gender, lifestyle paths, the use of modern technologies, among others?
- How have policies (e.g. education, employment, social protection, diaspora politics) influenced mobility options?.