Início / Recursos / Recortes de imprensa / 2011
Conferência de Nina Tiesler – "Performing Portugueseness, constructing communities: the role of football among Portuguese emigrants"
Teve lugar no dia 19 de Abril, no congresso do SIEF, Société Internationale d'Ethnologie et de Folklore, organizado pelo CRIA-Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia, na Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

Short Abstract

The paper presents results of the international research project Diasbola which analysed the role of football among Portuguese emigrants in eight diasporic settings, at referring to rural and urban locales in Germany with comparative references to Maputo, London, France, New England and Canada.

Long Abstract

The narrative and consumption of Portuguese Football is one of the most visible elements of popular and everyday-life culture among Portuguese emigrants and their offspring in diasporic settings. "Portuguese places" which serve as meetings points abroad, such as bars, restaurants and associations are decorated with the icons of Portuguese Football, and are most frequented at the occasion of internationally aired matches of Portuguese teams or the national squad. Together with active football, organised by Portuguese at amateur level as a recreational and leisure activity, football identification, fandom and consumption (also via new information and communication technologies) provide a connection among globally dispersed Portuguese and to people and places left behind, a space for performances of national belonging and common leisure activities. It also serves as a tool for minority politics, adaptive and economic ends, and contributes to the construction of Portuguese ethnicity in migratory contexts. The paper provides insights into the findings of the international research project Diasbola which analysed the role of football among Portuguese emigrants and luso-descendents in eight diasporic settings, at referring especially to rural and urban locales in Germany with comparative references to Maputo, London, France, New England and Canada. Deriving from ethnographic material, results confirm the importance of football in shaping leisure and identity constructions in Portuguese diaspora and highlight some particularities: While football in its social formation and its possible functions are shaped by each particular diasporic context, it also provides dynamics which shape such contexts and conditions.

Comunicação no workshop, "Leisure experience of migrants: shaping free time, shaping identities", no SIEF, aqui.


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