The seminar “Challenges and sustainability of social policies and actions for migrants”, will be held on 20 January in the Auditorium of the Lisbon Urban Information Centre (CIUL), starting at 14h00. This event, part of the Monthly Meetings on Migration Experiences, organised by CIES-iscte, CRIA-iscte and the Emigration Observatory, will feature António Brito Guterres, researcher and social worker, Celso Soares, Culturface Association, Joana Deus, Renovar a Mouraria Association, Mariana Carneiro, sociologist and activist, Miguel Soares, Lisbon City Council, and Rute Gonçalves, Amadora City Council.
The precariousness of migrants in Portugal has been increasing, with difficulties in accessing documentation and therefore basic rights such as health, housing, education and work. In this seminar, we invited some representatives of institutions that work directly with migrants to talk to us from the ground about the realities experienced by these people. We propose a dialogue with the institutions about the importance of public policies for immigration and the impact of funding projects that can bring a more dignified life to migrants in the Portuguese context.
