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On February 27, the conference “The migration obsession” will take place at the Auditorium 302, Building 4 of ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon, from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. The event will feature Peter Scholten, a professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam and a specialist in migration governance. The conference will address the challenges and opportunities of migration policies, analyzing different governance models and institutional responses to migration dynamics.
On 8 September, as part of the September Festival in Ourém, the Emigration Observatory is holding a seminar entitled 'Trajectories of Portuguese emigration', from 10 a.m. to 3.30 p.m., in a hybrid format, with the aim of addressing the current panorama of Portuguese emigration.
The Emigration Observatory is organizing, in partnership with the International Association of Lusodescendants (AILD), the colloquium "What is it to be Lusodescendant?" on December 15th at 3pm.
On March 9th, ISCTE-IUL will host the second conference in the scope of the 10 years of the Observatory of Emigration, dedicated to the theme "Migration and Communication", which will have as keynote speaker the researcher of COMPAS and Deputy Director of the Observatory of Migration of Oxford, Robert McNeil.
On March 9th, ISCTE-IUL will host the second conference in the scope of the 10 years of the Observatory of Emigration, dedicated to the theme "Migration and Communication", which will have as keynote speaker the researcher of COMPAS and Deputy Director of the Observatory of Migration of Oxford, Robert McNeil.
On November 27th will take place at ISCTE-IUL the first conference within the scope of the 10 years of the Emigration Observatory, dedicated to the theme "Migration and welfare state", which will have as keynote speaker the Professor of the University of Liège, Jean-Michel Lafleur.
[CONFERENCE] On November 27th will take place at ISCTE-IUL the first conference within the scope of the 10 years of the Emigration Observatory, dedicated to the theme "Migration and Welfare State", which will have as keynote speaker the Professor of the University of Liège, Jean-Michel Lafleur. +
Dia 6 de Maio realiza-se no ISCTE-IUL a conferência internacional “Perspectives on migration: political action and civic engagement” com o Dr. António Vitorino, diretor-geral da Organização Internacional das Migrações (OIM), enquanto keynote speaker, bem como diversos especialistas nacionais e internacionais nesta área.

Observatório da Emigração Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Av. das Forças Armadas,
1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal

T. (+351) 210 464 322

F. (+351) 217 940 074


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