On June 3rd, at 4pm, the webinar "International Migration and Migrant Communities - Impacts of COVID-19" will be held, as part of the series of webinars COVID-19: (Cons)Ciência Geográfica, promoted by the Centro de Estudos Geográficos (IGOT-ULisboa). The panel will be composed by Marta Bronzin (Head of IOM Mission in Portugal), Sónia Pereira (High Commissioner for Migration), João Peixoto (ISEG - ULisboa) and Juliana Iorio (CEG/IGOT - ULisboa), and will have as moderator Maria Lucinda Fonseca (CEG/IGOT - ULisboa).

The link to Zoom to participate is https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/99464985780 — will also be live on Facebook do Centro de Estudos Geográficos.
The session is free of charge, but prior registration is encouraged for the organization of this and future events.
More information and access to videos from previous sessions here.
The webminar will be held in portuguese.