The first, Back to the future. The new emigration and the relationship with the Portuguese society (REMIGR), aimed to know the size and new characteristics of Portuguese emigration in the XXI century. The second, Brain drain and academic mobility from Portugal to Europe (BRADRAMO), assessed the reality of the “brain drain” in Portugal, namely its recent increase in this century. The third one, Atlantic Crossings. Materiality, contemporary movements and politics of belonging, analysed the movements of people and material goods between Portugal and Brazil, a historical destination of Portuguese emigration, today with new attributes.
Date novembro de 2021
Pages 126
ISBN 978-972-8048-70-9 (online)
DOI 10.15847/CIESOMEE012021
Index Índice de figuras e quadros. Sobre os autores. Prefácio. Introdução. Nova emigração portuguesa. Êxodo de competências e mobilidade académica de Portugal para a Europa. Travessias do Atlântico
Cite as Pereira, Cláudia, Jorge Malheiros e João Peixoto (orgs.) (2021), Três estudos sobre a nova emigração portuguesa, Lisboa, Observatório da Emigração, CIES-Iscte. DOI: 10.15847/CIESOMEE012021
* Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia (CIES-IUL), Lisboa, Portugal
** Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território da Universidade de Lisboa (IGOT-UL), Centro de Estudos Geográficos (CEG), Lisboa, Portugal
*** Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão da Universidade de Lisboa (ISEG-UL), Centro de Investigação em Sociologia Económica e das Organizações (SOCIUS/CSG), Lisboa, Portugal
Authors Cláudia Pereira, Jorge Malheiros e João Peixoto
Pages 1-6
DOI 10.15847/CIESOMEE012021_1
Cite as Pereira, Cláudia, Jorge Malheiros e João Peixoto (2021), “Introdução”, em C. Pereira, J. Malheiros e J. Peixoto (orgs.) (2021), Três Estudos Sobre a Nova Emigração Portuguesa, Lisboa, Observatorio da Emigração, CIES-Iscte, pp: 1-6. DOI: 10.15847/CIESOMEE012021_1
2. Nova emigração portuguesa: perfis, integração e expetativas
[New Portuguese emigration. Profiles, integration and expectations]
This text presents the main results of a research project entitled Back to the future. The new emigration and the relationship with Portuguese society (REMIGR), funded by FCT, which took place between 2013 and 2015. The main objective of the project was to understand the dimension and characteristics of the new movements of Portuguese emigration, highlighting, in particular, the relations that the new emigrants maintain with the country of origin. Based on a mixed method strategy, the study included the collection of national and international statistics, an online and paper survey, complemented by a set of interviews with experts and institutional representatives. The destination countries chosen were United Kingdom, France and Luxembourg, in the European Union, and Angola, Mozambique and Brazil, outside Europe.
Authors João Peixoto, Isabel Tiago de Oliveira, Joana Azevedo, José Carlos Marques, Pedro Góis, Jorge Malheiros, Paulo Miguel Madeira, Pedro Candeias, Bárbara Ferreira, Aline Schiltz, Alexandra Ferro, Eugénio Santana
Pages 7-36
DOI 10.15847/CIESOMEE012021_2
Keywords Emigração, integração, transnacionalismo, retorno, Portugal
Cite as Peixoto, João, Isabel Tiago de Oliveira, Joana Azevedo, José Carlos Marques, Pedro Góis, Jorge Malheiros, et al. (2021), “Nova emigração portuguesa: perfis, integração e expetativas”, em C. Pereira, J. Malheiros e J. Peixoto (orgs.) (2021), Três Estudos Sobre a Nova Emigração Portuguesa, Lisboa, Observatorio da Emigração, CIES-Iscte, pp: 7-36. DOI: 10.15847/CIESOMEE012021_2
3. Êxodo de competências e mobilidade académica de Portugal para a Europa
[Exodus of skills and academic mobility from Portugal to Europe]
The need for a deeper knowledge of the complexities of this phenomenon, the brain drain, and its increasing in Portugal were the big spur for the development this research. In order to capture this complex reality a mixed and multilateral methodology was used with quantitative and qualitative techniques for the characterization of push and pull factors. This study allowed us to identify trajectories of upward and downward social mobility based on the analysis of life projects, the differentiated socialization and the contrasting strategies of improving the educational capital.
Authors Rui Gomes, João Teixeira Lopes, Henrique Vaz, Luísa Cerdeira, Sílvia Silva, José Pedro Silva, Rui Brites, Paulo Peixoto, Rafaela Ganga, Maria Lourdes Machado-Taylor, Belmiro Cabrito, Tomás Patrocínio, Dulce Magalhães
Pages 37-60
DOI 10.15847/CIESOMEE012021_3
Keywords Highly-skilled emigration, brain drain, mobility, motivations, Portugal
Como citar Gomes, Rui, João Teixeira Lopes, Henrique Vaz, Luísa Cerdeira, Sílvia Silva, José Pedro Silva, et al. (2021), “Êxodo de competências e mobilidade académica de Portugal para a Europa”, em C. Pereira, J. Malheiros e J. Peixoto (orgs.) (2021), Três Estudos Sobre a Nova Emigração Portuguesa, Lisboa, Observatorio da Emigração, CIES-Iscte, pp: 37-60. DOI: 10.15847/CIESOMEE012021_3
4. Travessias do Atlântico: materialidade, movimentos contemporâneos e políticas de pertença
[Crossings of the Atlantic. Materiality, contemporary movements and politics of belonging]
The project Crossings of the Atlantic. Materiality, contemporary movements and politics of belonging, studied for three years the migratory flows between four major cities: Lisbon, Porto, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. This chapter aims to provide a set of descriptive data on the crossings made by Portuguese to the two Brazilian cities under study. It is assumed as a contribution to the sociographic characterization of this specific group of recent emigrants and seeks to position it in the light of the large and significant population of Portuguese origin that integrated previous migratory waves and settled in those two major metropolises.
Authors Marta Vilar Rosales e Vânia Pereira Machado
Pages 61-104
DOI 10.15847/CIESOMEE012021_4
Keywords Materiality, migratory movements, politics of belonging, Brazil, Portugal
Cite as Rosales, Marta Vilar, e Vânia Pereira Machado (2021), “Travessias do Atlântico. Materialidade, movimentos contemporâneos e políticas de pertença”, em C. Pereira, J. Malheiros e J. Peixoto (orgs.) (2021), Três Estudos Sobre a Nova Emigração Portuguesa, Lisboa, Observatorio da Emigração, CIES-Iscte, pp: 61-104. DOI: 10.15847/CIESOMEE012021_4
Exodus of skills and academic mobility from Portugal to Europe