The conference “The role of frontline professionals in the immigrant integration process” will take place on 18 March in room A202 of building 4 at Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon, starting at 14:30. This event, part of the Monthly Meetings on Migratory Experiences, organised by CIES-iscte, CRIA-iscte and the Emigration Observatory, will feature a speech by Natália Curci, from IGOT, University of Lisbon, and will be moderated by Elisa Alves, from the Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum.
The seminar “Challenges and sustainability of social policies and actions for migrants”, will be held on 20 January in the Auditorium of the Lisbon Urban Information Centre (CIUL), starting at 14h00. This event, part of the Monthly Meetings on Migration Experiences, organised by CIES-iscte, CRIA-iscte and the Emigration Observatory, will feature António Brito Guterres, researcher and social worker, Celso Soares, Culturface Association, Joana Deus, Renovar a Mouraria Association, Mariana Carneiro, sociologist and activist, Miguel Soares, Lisbon City Council, and Rute Gonçalves, Amadora City Council.
The conference ‘The migratory journey of young Portuguese adults’ will be held online on 26 November, starting at 14:30. This event, part of the Monthly Meetings on Migratory Experiences, organised by CIES-iscte, CRIA-iscte and the Emigration Observatory, will feature a talk by Inês Vidigal, PhD student in sociology and executive coordinator of the Emigration Observatory, and a commentary by Pedro Candeias, Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon.
On 18 October, in room A206 (Tower A, 2nd floor) of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the University of Lisbon, the conference "Small businesses as an asset for European citizenship: a political look at the street shops run by migrants in Porto and Lisbon" will take place, starting at 14:30. This event, part of the Monthly Meetings on Migratory Experiences, organised by CIES-Iscte, CRIA-Iscte and the Emigration Observatory, will feature a talk by Priscilla Santos, from CIES-Iscte, NOVA-Fcsh and Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, and moderated by José Mapril, from NOVA-Fcsh and CRIA.
The conference "How migration and development are interconnected" will be held online on September 25, starting at 15:00. This event, which is part of the Monthly Meetings on Migration Experiences, organized by CIES-iscte, CRIA-iscte and the Emigration Observatory, will feature presentations by Melissa Siegler, UNU-MERIT, and Filipa Cândido, Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa.
On 15 May, the Camões Secondary School will host a screening of the documentary “Contrariar o silêncio”, directed by Ana Vera and Sónia Ferreira, starting at 10:00. This event, part of the Monthly Meetings on Migratory Experiences, organized by CIES-iscte, CRIA-iscte and the Emigration Observatory, will feature an intervention by Sónia Ferreira, CRIA NOVA-FCSH, and Joaquim Saraiva, a former political exile in Denmark.
On 7 December, the conference “Role of desire in risky migration: a case study of Syrian refugees' secondary movement ro Europe”, will take place in a hybrid format, starting at 11h00. This event, part of the Monthly Meetings on Migration Experiences, organised by CIES-iscte, CRIA-iscte and the Emigration Observatory, will feature a speech by Lejla Sunagic, from the University of Lund, and comments by Elizabeth Challinor, from CRIA-FCSH, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
The conference “Women Sub-Saharan migrants in Morocco: A long journey towards integration and agency”, will be held on November 14 at the Colégio Almada Negreiros, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Room CAN SC. from 15h00. This event, which is part of the Monthly Meetings on Migration Experiences, organised by CIES-iscte, CRIA-iscte and the Emigration Observatory, will feature a speech by Fatima Rhorchi, from the University of al-Qarawiyyin, and moderation by Raquel Carvalheira, from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
The conference “Digital networks and Portuguese emigration in Macao and South Korea” will take place on 5 June, at the Paquete Oliveira Auditorium, starting at 14h30. This event, integrated in the Monthly Meetings on Migration Experiences, organised by CIES-iscte, CRIA-iscte and Observatory of Emigration, counts with the intervention of Sara M. Reis, from CIES-Iscte, and the moderation of Inês Pereira, from Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
The conference "African Migrations and Sporting Careers" will take place on 24 May, at the Caiano Pereira Auditorium, starting at 14h30. This event, part of the Monthly Meetings on Migration Experiences, organised by CIES-iscte, CRIA-iscte and the Emigration Observatory, will feature interventions by Benoit Gaudin, from the Université de Versailles Saint Quentin, Carlos Lonasco, from the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra, and Nuno Oliveira, from CIES-Iscte, and will be moderated by Rahul Kumar, from the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal.
The conference “The integration of refugees in Portugal: an assessment of the moral duties of assistance and integration policies in the context of European policies and values”will be held on April 18, starting at 18h00. This event, integrated in the Monthly Meetings on Migration Experiences, organized by CIES-iscte, CRIA-iscte and Observatory of Emigration, counts with the interventions of Emellin de Oliveira, from the Research Center on Law and Society (CEDIS) of the New University of Lisbon, Elizabeth Challinor, from the Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia (CRIA) at the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, and Marta Lemos, Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia (CRIA) at Iscte, and with the moderation of Antónia Pedroso de Lima, from CRIA-iscte.
On March 30, the conference “Migrations, diversities and inequalities in retirement: a discussion on aging and migrations in Portugal”, will take place in a hybrid format, starting at 16h30. This event, part of the Monthly Meetings on Migration Experiences, organized by CIES-iscte, CRIA-iscte and the Emigration Observatory, will feature interventions from Dora Sampaio, University of Utrecht, Sónia Pereira, High Commissioner for Migration, and Maria Lucinda Fonseca, from IGOT and CEG of the University of Lisbon, and will be moderated by Liliana Azevedo, from CIES-iscte.
The conference "Transnational Sikh Punjabi families in Lisbon and Punjab: how gender roles are maintained and negotiated within transnational families of Punjabi migrants?" will take place on February 23, in online format, starting at 3 pm. This Meeting on migratory experiences, organized by CIES-iscte, CRIA-iscte and the Emigration Observatory, counts with the intervention of Jéssica Lopes, Iscte-iul, and the comments of Inês Lourenço, CRIA-Iscte.
The conference "The travels of the barakah: Indo-Mozambican legacies and charisma in the Islamic transnational space" will be held on February 15, starting at 15h00. This meeting on migratory experiences, organized by CIES-iscte, CRIA-iscte and Observatório da Emigração, will be addressed by Pedro Pestana Soares, PhD student at the Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, and will be commented by Professor Clara Carvalho, CEI-Iscte / Iscte, and Professor José Mapril, CRIA / FCSH NOVA.
The conference "Inequalities, urbanism and privileged migrations in the context of neoliberalism" will be held on November 24th , starting at 16h00. This meeting on migratory experiences, organized by CIES-iscte, CRIA-iscte and the Emigration Observatory, will feature an intervention by Matthew Hayes, St. Thomas University, Canada, and a commentary by Daniel Malet Calvo, CIES-iscte.
The conference "In defense of health protection: young migrants from southern Europe in Germany and transnational bricolage of health" will take place on November 3, starting at 15:00, in online format. This meeting on migratory experiences, organized by CIES-iscte, CRIA-iscte and the Emigration Observatory, will feature interventions by Simone Castellani, CIES-iscte, and Beatriz Padilla, University of South Florida and CIES-iscte.
On May 26, the conference "Food practices on the move: Experiences of Syrian refugees in Lisbon" will take place online, starting at 16h00. This meeting on migratory experiences, organized by CIES-iscte, CRIA-iscte and Observatório da Emigração, includes the interventions of Alan and Ramia Ghunim, founders of the restaurant Tayybeh, Joana Lucas, CRIA-NOVA FCSH, Dora Rebelo, CRIA-Iscte, and Marcela Jaramillo, CRIA-Iscte.
The conference "Migrations back to rural Portugal" will take place on April 29th, in an online format, starting at 14:00. In this meeting on migratory experiences, organized by CIES-iscte, CRIA-iscte and the Emigration Observatory, the documentary film "Je suis partout et nulle part à la fois" (I am everywhere and nowhere at once) will be shown, followed by a discussion with Amandine Desille, Post-doctoral Researcher at UMR-Passages, Bordeaux; Associate Member of MIGRARE, IGOT-UL, and Filomena Silvano, Integrated Researcher at CRIA/NOVA FCSH.
On January 28, the conference "Refuge and sexual orientation" will take place online, starting at 15:00. This meeting on migratory experiences, organized by CIES-iscte, CRIA-iscte and the Emigration Observatory, has the interventions of Vítor Lopes Andrade, University of Sussex, Marta Ramos, ILGA Portugal Association, Miguel Vale de Almeida, CRIA-iscte, and a refugee residing in Portugal.
The conference "Waiting time: undocumented immigrants and the different notions of time" will take place on December 9, starting at 18h00. This meeting on migratory experiences, organized by CIES-iscte, CRIA and Observatório da emigração, counts with the interventions of Cecília Menduni Luís, CRIA-iscte, Kishor Subba Limbu, ICS-ULisboa, and Antónia Pedroso de Lima, CRIA-iscte.
The conference "Afro-diasporic aesthetics in Portugal: the case of Quinta do Mocho" will be held on 16 November in the Paquete Oliveira Auditorium in the Sedas Nunes Building of ISCTE-IUL, starting at 8.30 pm. In this meeting on migratory experiences, organized by CIES-Iscte, CRIA, CEI and the Emigration Observatory, the documentary "On the farm with Kally" by director Otávio Raposo will be shown.
On February 19, in the Caiano Pereira Auditorium of the Sedas Nunes Building of ISCTE-IUL, the conference "The legal construction of the national and the foreigner in South America for 200 years" will take place from 2.30 pm. In this meeting on migratory experiences, organized by CIES-IUL, CRIA and Rede Migra, Professor Diego Acosta of the University of Bristol will discuss the implications of the legal construction of the foreigner and the national in Latin America on Venezuelan emigration.
It will be held on October 31, at Aud. Caiano Pereira of Building 1 of Iscte, the international seminar "Violence, trafficking and humanitarian action", from 9:30 am. The seminar will be attended by several researchers in the area of migration and will have as keynote speaker Professor Sharvari Karandikar.
The conference "Undocumented migrants health and access to care in Sweden" will take place on 27 March, starting at 17h00, in the Paquete de Oliveira Auditorium in Building I of Iscte. This meeting on migratory experiences, organized by CIES-IUL, CRIA, the Emigration Observatory and the Migra Network, discusses the living conditions, access to rights and mental health of undocumented migrants living in Sweden. It will feature Professor Lena Andersson from the University of Gothenburg and comments by CIES-IUL researcher Alejandra Ortiz.
[CONFERENCE] On 11 December, the conference "Nepalese Immigration in Rural and Urban Settings" will take place at the Auditorium B104, in building II of ISCTE-IUL, starting at 5:00 p.m. On this Meeting on migratory experiences, organized by CIES-IUL, CRIA and the Migra Network will be discuss the Nepalese immigration to Portugal and will be lectured by the researcher Alexandra Pereira and the filmmaker Sohel Rahman. +
[SEMINAR] On October 12th, it will take place at Aud. Afonso de Barros, Ala Autónoma, ISCTE-IUL, the international seminar "Migration and Labor Exploitation of the Nepalese in agriculture in Portugal", from 9am.
The seminar will count with the presence of several researchers from the area of migration and the keynote speaker Professor Jacquelyn Meshelemiah.+
[CONFERENCE] It will be held at ISCTE, in Lisbon, next June 25th at 5.30 pm, one more Monthly Meeting on Migratory Experiences. In this session will be presented, by Shukriya Nazridod, a communication on the children of Tajikistan, entitled "Voices' of left behind children in Tajikistan". +
[COLLOQUIUM]The Colloquium "Belongings, Objects and Migrations: Ethnographies on Contemporary Brazil" will be held next April 23TH at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences in Lisbon. With this discussion is intended to discuss this reality by looking for a multiple approach accentuating diverse, unidirectional, bi-directional, internal or transnational transits and journeys.+
[SEMINAR] An international seminar of the European Master on Social Work with Family and Children with Encontros sobre Experiências Migratórias will be held at ISCTE, Lisbon, on October 13th at 2:30 p.m. In this session four speakers will be gathered for a debate focused on forced migration in Europe, India and Africa.+
An additional Monthly Meeting on Migratory Experiences will be held at ISCTE, Lisbon, on June 19 at 5:30 p.m. In this session will be gathered five speakers for an interdisciplinary and international debate on the theme "Ethnic and racial categories, between political choices and social practices". +
Bárbara Ferreira e João Peixoto
Inês Espírito Santo, Luísa Veloso, Frédéric Vidal
Lama Kabbanji, Helena Barroco, Susana Martins