After a maximum of 19,658 entries on French territory in 2012, the number of Portuguese emigrants to France has been decreasing: -4% in 2013, -22% in 2014 and less -21% in 2015. Despite a slight recovery in 2016 (+7%), a new phase of decrease began in 2017 and continued in the following years (-32.8% in 2017, -3.2% in 2018 and -5% in 2019). Therefore, 2019 was the year in which fewer Portuguese entered that country in the current decade. In five years, the weight of Portuguese entries in France went from 5.6% in 2013 to 2% in 2019.
Cite as Vidigal, Inês (2021), “Portuguese inflows into France decrease further in 2019”, Observatório da Emigração.