In 2020, the Portuguese arrivals in Brazil reached the lowest value of the entire series under analysis, having registered a sharp decrease that was higher than that registered in the total of foreign arrivals in the country (-37.7% and -33.8%, respectively). This decrease comes after two consecutive years of increases in Portuguese emigration to Brazil (up 5% in 2018 and 11.7% in 2019). With this change, the number of Portuguese citizens entering Brazil is even further away from the figure recorded in 2013: 2.904, the highest value for the period under review. The recessive trend in recent years has translated into a relative loss of importance of Portuguese immigration: while in 2013 the Portuguese accounted for 4.7% of the inflows to Brazil, in 2020 they represented only 2.1%.
Cite as Vidigal, Inês (2021), “Portuguese inflow into Brazil reaches minimum in 2020”, Observatório da Emigração.