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Acosta, Diego
Diego Acosta is a leading international expert on International, European and comparative Migration law. The core of his research is an interdisciplinary, practically significant and theoretical inquiry into International, Human Rights, European and comparative Migration law to offer a novel defence of a rights-based approach to migration regulation. His work discusses Migration law as a central aspect of globalisation and analyses various processes of inclusion and exclusion and their profound implications for the rule of law in Europe, South America and elsewhere. His latest monograph is entitled The National versus the Foreigner in South America. 200 Years of Migration and Citizenship Law.
Afonso, Alexandre
Alexandre Afonso has done all his superior training in political science, including his PhD from the University of Lausanne. The researcher was already born in Switzerland, but is the son of Portuguese emigrants. This circumstance influenced his choice by studying the Portuguese labour emigration to that country, driven by active government recruitment of the host society and later always contextualized by migratory policies that deserved analysis. He currently teaches in London at King's College.
Almeida, José Carlos
José Carlos Almeida has a PhD in sociology from the University of Bristol since 2001. Currently residing in the UK, he is a researcher at the Center for European Integration - Manchester European Research Institute. His research interests are focused on international migration in Europe, in particular on Portuguese immigrants in the United Kingdom, with particular focus on the labor market, in general on the identity and citizenship of the various groups that make up the Portuguese-speaking community in the country.
Almeida, Onésimo Teotónio
Onésimo Teotónio Almeida holds a PhD in philosophy from the University of Brown, Providence, Rhode Island, since 1980, and is a full professor in the Portuguese and Brazilian studies department of the same university. He is a faculty fellow at the Watson Institute of International Studies and an associate professor of Science and Technology Studies at the same university. He was the founder of the publisher Gávea-Brown, who publishes English translations of Portuguese literature and studies. Among others, it has as research interest’s Azorean emigration in the United States, Portuguese national identity, studies and Luso-American literature.
Anderson, Bridget
Bridget Anderson is Professor of Migration Mobilities and Citizenship, at the University of Bristol, and the Director of the Migration Mobility Bristol (MMB), having previously been Research Director at the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) and Professor of Migration and Citizenship at the University of Oxford. Her work explores the relations between migration, race, and nation, historically and in the contemporary world, with a particular focus on precarity, labour market flexibilities and citizenship rights. Bridget Anderson is the author of Us and Them? The Dangerous Politics of Immigration Controls (Oxford University Press, 2013) and Doing the Dirty Work? The Global Politics of Domestic Labour (Zed Books, 2000).
Åkesson, Lisa
Lisa Åkesson is a professor in social anthropology at the Department of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg. Through various research projects in the field of migration and diversity, she has gained long-term experience of ethnographic fieldwork in Cabo Verde, Angola, Mozambique and Sweden. She lectures and participates in public debates on issues related to international migration and diversity. Her research interests include different perspectives on migration, such as everyday diversity practices, postcolonial north-south migration and various aspects of transnational migration.
Araújo, Eduardo
With a Master's degree in Anthropology from the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Eduardo Araújo did his master's thesis on the Portuguese associative movement in Switzerland. The doctoral project, entitled " Estruturação Étnica e Conexões Transnacionais nas Comunidades Luso-helvéticas ", and his master's thesis, were the themes of the interview. He is currently a researcher at CRIA, Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia. His research interests include emigration, ethnicity, transnationalism and identity.
Arias, Daniel
With a Bachelor degree in political science from the University of Santiago de Compostela and master’s in international migration by the University of Coruña, the galician Daniel Arias is developing his PhD project in sociology on the fixation processes of Portuguese immigrants in rural Galician areas.
Arroteia, Jorge
Jorge Arroteia, currently retired, was a Full Professor at the University of Aveiro. With a background in geography, and a PhD in social sciences, the study of Portuguese emigration has always been present in his research career. He coordinated the Emigrateca project. The interview focused on the researcher's career and the projects in which he has been involved, as well as reflections on recent Portuguese emigration.
Augusto, Asaf
Asaf Augusto holds an MA in systematic theology and history from North West University-Potchefstroom, South Africa, and a PhD in human geography, with a specialization in immigration studies, from Bayreuth University. He is currently doing post-doctoral research comparing Portuguese emigration to Angola since the 2008 economic crisis with Angolan immigration to Portugal since the 2014-2015 oil crisis. His work has focused primarily on the dynamics of migration from North to South and the intersection of past and present.
Azevedo, Joana
Joana Azevedo is a researcher at CIES / ISCTE-IUL and holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the Università Degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza' since 2007. Her current research interests are: ethnic and religious minorities, Portuguese emigration, highly qualified migrations, political participation of emigrants. The interview focused on the project " Votar no Estrangeiro: Participação Política e Cidadania dos Emigrantes Portugueses (2009-2010)”.
Barre, Jorge de la
With a PhD in sociology from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris, Jorge de la Barre also holds a master's degree in ethnomethodology and computer science from the University of Diderot-Paris 7, and has a comparative degree in sociology and anthropology. Currently is a Visiting Professor of the Graduate Program in Anthropology at the Fluminense Federal University in Brazil. He carried out ethnographic research among young Portuguese in France and on the associative movement. His research interests include ethnicity, transnationalism, and identity.
Beswick, Jaine
Jaine Beswick holds a PhD in linguistics from the University of Bristol. Her research interests include Portuguese emigration to the Channel Islands, focusing on linguistic practices, among others. She is currently a professor of linguistics at the University of Southampton, specializing in migration and linguistics, and is also the coordinator of the Portuguese study program. She has been involved in projects about the Portuguese and is currently developing one on the historical memory, life histories and sociolinguistic visibility of the Portuguese emigrants.
Borges, Marcelo
Marcelo Borges is a professor of history at Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania (USA). He holds a PhD in history from Rutgers University, New Jersey (USA), where he studied Portuguese emigration to Argentina, particularly of Algarvians, between the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. His research interests focus mainly on Latin American history, transatlantic migration to the Americas, the history of Portuguese migration, and oral history and memory.
Brettell, Caroline
With a PhD in anthropology from Brown University, USA, Caroline Brettel also did the Master of Arts. She holds a BA in Latin American Studies from Yale University. In 2009 she was named University Distinguished Professor of Southern Methodist University, USA, where she teaches. She is the director of the Dedman College Interdisciplinary Institute. Her main research interests are centered on migration, the intersection between anthropology and history, historical demography, gender and transnationalism. Since the 1970s she has been developing fieldwork among Portuguese emigrants in Canada, France, the USA and in Minho, among their families, in this case to analyse the impacts of emigration in the country of origin.
Cassarino, Jean-Pierre
Professor Jean-Pierre Cassarino has more than twenty years of experience in comparative politics. His research interests and publications focus on patterns of international cooperation and modes of norm diffusion and policy transfers in dynamic regional consultative processes, especially with reference to the management of migration and borders. He is most interested in comparatively analyzing policy design and implementation as well as in how policy transfers are administered, and often readjusted, through processes of bilateral and multilateral consultations between the EU and third countries.
Castelo, Cláudia
Cláudia Castelo holds a PhD in Social Sciences from ICS. Her doctoral thesis, on settlement colonialism, was published in a book (Passagens para África. O Povoamento de Angola e Moçambique com Naturais da Metrópole, Porto, Afrontamento, 2007). Currently, as an assistant researcher at IICT, she is developing a project to collect life histories of scientists and technicians from Junta de Investigações do Ultramar.
Cordeiro, Albano
Albano Cordeiro took his doctorate in France in 1992, on labour migrations. He pursued a career as a researcher at the University of Grenoble before joining the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) in 1982. Retired in 2002, he continued his work with the publication of articles in scientific and specialized journals, particularly on Portuguese immigration on France. With the forthcoming publication of a website (Changement et sociétés), his work will be accessible.
Cunha, Manuel Antunes da
Manuel Antunes da Cunha holds a PhD in Information and Communication Sciences from the University of Paris 2 (Panthéon-Assas) and a degree in Religious Sciences from the Faculty of Theology (Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Braga). He is currently an Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Social Sciences (UCP-Braga), and is the scientific coordinator of the MSc in Multimedia Training and Communication. In 2010, he led a joint project between the Santa Casa da Misericórdia in Paris and the Portuguese Embassy in the context of the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion. He is an Associate Researcher at the Communication and Politique Laboratory (CNRS-Paris), and media specialist, reception studies, migration studies and qualitative methodologies.
Delicado, Ana
With a PhD in sociology from the University of Lisbon, Ana Delicado carried out the postdoctoral study on the mobility of Portuguese researchers. Since 2009 she has been an assistant researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon.
Diogo, Helder
Helder Diogo was born in Trás-os-Montes and lived in France until he completed the Maîtrise de Géographie at the Lumière Lyon II University. After returning to Portugal, he completed his master's degree in intercultural relations at the Universidade Aberta and a PhD in geography at the University of Porto. He is currently a lecturer at the Ministry of Education and a researcher at CEGOT (Centro de Estudos de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território). His research interests include emigration, identity, territoriality, mobility and cultural issues. His most recent studies are focused on the Portuguese community in France, especially in the region of Lyon.
Domingos, Nuno
Nuno Domingos holds a bachelor's degree in sociology and a master's degree in historical sociology from New University, and a Ph.D. in anthropology from SOAS, School of African and Oriental Studies, UK. Has as research interest the relations between soccer and migrations, among others. He is currently a researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences and a professor of the Masters in Migration and Transnationalism at Universidade Nova.

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