Inês Vidigal
There were 2,766 Portuguese who entered the United Kingdom in 2024, according to data from the Department for Work and Pensions. That British agency accounted for a total of 677,474 foreigners in the United Kingdom, with the Portuguese representing 0.4% of that total. +
Inês Vidigal
According to data from Denmark Statistik, 1,666 Portuguese people entered Denmark in 2024. This Danish institution counted a total of 98,679 entries of foreigners in the country, with the Portuguese representing 1.7% of that total. +
Inês Vidigal
According to the latest United Nations estimates, in 2024 there were around 1.8 million Portuguese emigrants living abroad. More precisely, 1,799,179. This international organisation counted a total of 304,021,813 emigrants in the world, with the Portuguese representing 0.6% of this total. +